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Alpine Rescue Monthly Dispatch - December 2024

Rescuers Registered and Reporting!

Alpine Rescue launched the last week of December to an eager waiting list of rescuers! Success?

Here are the numbers from 12/23/24 - 12/31/24:
   - 7 = physical overlays purchased from Steve Kray
   - 50 = New Recruits joined Alpine Rescue ranks
   - 79 = times Molly was saved from her snowy demise based on community badges earned

Badges Earned?

Speaking of badges earned here are the following milestones achieved by your fellow Rescuers!

Explorer Badge (Complete Mission 2):
Explorer Badge Image
   - sequor ihs
   - sramirez2008
   - stickboy
   - Vince Black

Undaunted Badge (Unlock Mission 25):
Undaunted Badge Image
   - SRamirez2008

Accomplished Badge (Unlock Mission 50):
Accomplished Badge Image
   - SRamirez2008

Skillful Badge (Complete Mission 73):
Skillful Badge Image
   - SRamirez2008

What's next for Alpine Rescue?

What can you expect for this January? Glad you asked!
   - Expect to see new Alpine Rescue merchandise start appearing in the RWC Merch Store
   - Expect continued excitement in our community as more rescuers discover the mysteries of Alpine Rescue
   (This game has introduced some players to Vectrex for the first time as they played Alpine Rescue via emulation!)
   - More rewards and surprises to be revealed as Mission badges are earned!

Wait! Where's my copy of Alpine Rescue?

We finally caught up with the wait-list. However, it seems Alpine Rescue emails often end up in the spam box of potential rescuers.
IF you filled out the survey, but you have not received instructions on how to purchase your own copy of Alpine Rescue...simply email us at!

On behalf of Jon Day, Jon Day's family, Molly (President's daughter and ever missing hiker), and HomeBrew Vectrex Developers around the world,
I sincerely thank each and everyone of you who have joined our community and especially those who have purchased or have considered purchasing Alpine Rescue in 2024!

Here's to an amazing and adventure-filled 2025, VecTrekkers!
 - Share Squid